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Absenteeism and Truancy During Remote and Hybrid Learning: Addressing Child Find and FAPE Issues
Absenteeism and Truancy During Remote and Hybrid Learning: Addressing Child Find and FAPE Issues
Price: $295.00



Presented by Teri Engler, Esq.

Student absenteeism and truancy during remote and hybrid learning present many issues similar to in-person instruction, but they also present unique IDEA and Section 504 challenges. Attorney Teri Engler reviews how hearing officers and the courts have addressed absenteeism and truancy from a child find and FAPE perspective in the in-person setting. Then she applies a remote and hybrid learning "lens" to those issues to identify best practices for use in those settings — so you learn real-life lessons on your obligations:

  • Determining when a student's absences indicate a possible need for special education and related services
  • Recognizing when a student's IEP team may need to develop a BIP to address school refusal
  • Tracking attendance and student participation during partial or fully remote learning
  • Establishing whether the student can't or won't log on for instruction, and identifying barriers to access and engagement
  • And more

(2021. MP4 Download. 90 min. Product Code: 3801.030421)

(Materials included. Must be prepaid and may not be returned.)

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