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From Nexus to Penalty: Handling Off-duty Misconduct by Federal Employees
From Nexus to Penalty: Handling Off-duty Misconduct by Federal Employees
Price: $27.95



From domestic violence, to security clearances and debt ... When can your agency discipline employees for misconduct away from the workplace? When can you remove them?

Get guidance in LRP's first-ever guide devoted solely to helping you handle employees' off-duty offenses. With case examples illustrating key points, you learn how to establish a nexus between misconduct and efficiency of the service. And, to make it easy for you to apply the real-life lessons to your situations, case explanations are organized by topic and spell out why each case succeeded or failed.

Along with guidance on determining whether discipline is an appropriate response, you find out how to:

  • Identify types of misconduct that negatively impact the efficiency of the service
  • Apply an off-duty misconduct charge to a law enforcement official
  • Determine when sexual misconduct impacts the efficiency of the service
  • Word the charge in the removal document so it withstands appeal by a convicted employee
  • Ensure the validity of an indefinite suspension
  • And more!

(2012. Pamphlet. 39 pp. Product Code: 4282)