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Federal Employee Relations Dictionary
Federal Employee Relations Dictionary
Price: $27.95



Process cases with confidence and feel optimistic about your ability to understand the legalese used regularly in federal employee relations. Federal Employee Relations Dictionary defines terms significant to the federal ER field -- so you immediately grasp the meaning of unfamiliar terms without having to pore through cases, statutes and regulations.

Plus, the dictionary provides examples of how words are used in case decisions, to ensure you know how to use each term correctly -- including Latin phrases common in law.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of employee relations terms you’ll come to understand:

  • Detrimental reliance
  • Bruner Presumption
  • Ex parte communication
  • Abuse of discretion
  • Lodestar
  • On its face
  • Horizontal communication
  • Rule of three

(2007. Softcover. 133 pp. Product Code: 4079)