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Accommodation vs. Modification Under Section 504: Know the Difference to Provide FAPE
Accommodation vs. Modification Under Section 504: Know the Difference to Provide FAPE
Price: $295.00

MP4 Download


Presented by Betsey Helfrich, Esq.

Many myths surround what can and can’t be provided through a Section 504 plan. Attorney Betsey Helfrich clears it up for you, so you understand how to provide FAPE under Section 504.

You learn what differentiates accommodations and modifications, with examples based on what the courts and OCR guidance say about providing FAPE based on individual student needs. You also get examples of accommodations and modifications to use in 504 plans, plus best practices to:

  • Determine the accommodations and/or modifications to include in a student's 504 plan
  • Recognize when modifying the curriculum may require evaluation of a student under the IDEA
  • Draft easy to follow and legally compliant 504 plans
  • Determine if online/virtual learning constitutes an accommodation or a modification
  • And more

(2024. mp4 file download. 90 min. Product Code: 3801.021524)

(Materials included. Must be prepaid and may not be returned.)

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