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LRE Scenarios: IEP Team Training Guide to Increase IDEA Compliance
LRE Scenarios: IEP Team Training Guide to Increase IDEA Compliance
Price: $49.95



By Amy E. Slater, Esq.

IEP teams that understand what they must do to meet the LRE mandate are less likely to make mistakes that result in litigation. This interactive guide helps you train teams on their legal responsibilities regarding the placement process, opportunities for inclusion and 4 more LRE areas. Then 20 scenarios act as multiple-choice quizzes, enabling you to identify gaps in team members' knowledge. From aggressive students to virtual learning, teams learn the compliant way to:

  • Proceed through the continuum of alternative placements
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of curriculum modifications a student requires to remain in the general education setting
  • Identify services and supports a student might need to participate in nonacademic and extracurricular activities
  • Document information needed to support the team's placement determination
  • And more

You also get visual representations of the three most common LRE “tests” that states use, guiding staff through the appropriate LRE determination.

(2022. Pamphlet. 68 pp. Product #: 300744. S/H: $5.50)

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